We are in the act of delivering one AG Bale Cooling Bed to John Strieter of Strieter Hay Farm and one AG Maximizer Hay Dryer to Brian & Debbie Klaus of Poverty Hill Farms; both of Michigan. It is a long way from Vanderhoof, British Columbia to the northern tip of Michigan; that is over 4,000 kilometers (3,125 miles)!

In the hours of driving today, our conversation went back in time discussing the challenges and set backs that prompted the build of the AG Maximizer Hay Dryer and how our lives have changed. Back in 2016, we were actively farming several thousand acres of hay. That was the year that it rained and rained and rained. It got so bad that a large quantity our hay passed the salvageable point and eventually just had to be baled so we could get it off the field to discard it.
Losses that year made some significant changes in our lives and Emil went looking for a hay dryer to ensure that we would never experience that year again no matter what the weather. Looking for a hay dryer around the world revealed that there wasn’t one available that could dry large quantities of hay efficiently and consistently with operation costs that weren’t over the moon. In his extensive search and evaluation of dryers that were out there, he learned what worked and what didn’t work.
At that time Emil decided what many farmers have done when they couldn’t find what they wanted; he decided to make one. The saying “necessity is the mother of invention” became very true in our lives.
The AG Maximizer Hay Dryer was created to dry hay that was baled at too high of moisture to be stored safely. Through research and development, we have learned of the advantages of baling hay at higher moisture and then drying it through the AG Maximizer – increased yields (less leaf loss) and increases quality significantly (protein & RFV). Drying the hay in the Maximizer also accelerates the natural sweat in the hay. As well, it will dry large quantities of hay quickly and consistently. With the Maximizer’s advanced technology and mobility, it is unsurpassed by any other dryer in the world.
Fellow hay producers, that is why Agri Green is making the AG Maximizer Hay Dryer available to you,…It can take your farm to the next level if you want to go there.
